Today is my last day of my summer internship at the CACVB (tooo much of a mouthful to spell out, but basically the Charlottesville Visitors Bureau!) I am going to miss the trek from my little home on Stony Point all the way here every morning... It's going to be so weird! My days will definitely not be complete without daily Twitter updates, music parties in Club Copy, silly band swapping and long lunches under the pavilion. I also think it may take a while for my body to get used to not waking up before the sun. Unless, that is, it gets used to it just fine after a week at school!
I've met so many great people here this summer and I felt right at home in the area and in the office. I loved the work I got to do for the Stay Local, Play Local campaign (Backyard Vacation, woo woo!) and have fully committed that social media and marketing is definitely something that I am interested in for a future career.
I've had so many crazy experiences this summer both in and out of the office. I've gotten to be on the news and the radio, I have survived a "mini-tornado" and been without power for days, cooked and cleaned and kept up my own little home, and so much more. It's taught me to be independent, free thinking and self sufficient. I could not have asked for a better segue into senior year and the "big girl world" as it is referred to amongst me and my friends.
While I am looking so forward to this year, I have already begun the great job search, my curiosity has gotten the best of me! I keep finding these perfect jobs all over the country, and with each one comes a vision of my great little life, home, job and new friends. Where/what to pick?!
As for now, I just have to focus on eating a yummy lunch with the office, packing up my apartment and heading home for the rest of the summer to hang out with my family and kick back to get in the mindset for my last year of college!